Introducing Arts Help's Manager of Outreach & Research

Arts Help is excited to welcome Sarah Fangrad, our new Manager of Outreach & Research. Sarah is a real estate professional, and will lead a number of exciting Arts Help partnerships. Managing Editor Hannah Chew interviewed Sarah to learn more about her work.

What is your background/role with Arts Help?

My name is Sarah Fangrad and my title at Arts Help is the Manager of Outreach and Partnerships.

How do you perceive the relationship between art and global activism?

Working with Arts Help has really opened my eyes to the endless opportunities of connecting art and global activism. Art and music are fantastic ways to bring people together, regardless of their race, beliefs and community. It is a language we all can understand. Through art we can inspire action, awareness and promote change.

How does art play a role in your daily life?

Music, sounds that inspire, relax, or excite. Paintings and photos that amaze, reflect, and ultimately tell a story. Art is appreciated by everyone differently, that is the beauty of it. We can unite with people through these passions, which is a fundamental form of connection. This is something I value immensely, It is how I form relationships everyday whether business or personal.

What is your favorite piece of art? Why?

I love informative art. I also love abstract, and feminine artwork.

Of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which do you relate to most?

They are all extremely important. Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production is something I always practised, and was made very aware of at a young age.

How can we help push forward the UN SDGs in our everyday lives?

We can help push forward the UN SDGs even in the smallest ways. Not throwing away food leftovers, (having worked in the restaurant industry this is a very big concern), being respectful and mindful of what we do with a product after we use it, not littering and using garbage and recycling properly. We also must be cleaning up after ourselves, being mindful of using reusable products instead of one time use plastics, being energy efficient in our households, family planning, educating and empowering communities.  I recommend reading the US Sustainable Development Goals, keeping them in mind throughout the day. Daily habits can be improved just by being more aware.

Any final advice for young artists and activists?

Advice I have for young artists and activists is to keep on unleashing your creativity to promote positive and lasting change. Be an example so others can see and follow in our footsteps. I encourage everyone to listen to the song Where is the love by the black eyed peas. Really listen to it. "We only got one world." So let's raise global consciousness and inspire social change together, while using art to make the world a better place.