We Stand Together: Black Lives Matter

Arts Help, at its core, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to making the world a better place. We have chosen to use art as our medium to express opinions, ignite activism, and achieve goals. However, we are not merely curators of pretty pictures; we believe in lifting the diverse voices of our artistic community and using our platform as a vehicle for change.

Arts Help recognizes its responsibility and stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. We have pledged to use our media reach to provide support and resources to those in need. Goal #10 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals calls for reduced inequality in our global community, while Goal #16 aims to establish justice and accountable institutions. We are dedicated to not only pushing these goals with our platform but also ensuring equality and justice within our artistic community.

On Instagram, the Arts Help team has compiled a list of resources for protesters and supporters available here. The document details information for legal and memorial funds, tools for political education, and general advice for those attending protests or utilizing social media. We encourage our community to provide support in constructive ways, whether it is donating, protesting, posting, educating, or participating in the conversation.

Through our editorial and publication, Arts Help also promises to make a dedicated effort to spotlight the voices of the black community and their art. The conversation of equality and inclusion is an ongoing one that we will highlight in our discussions and decision-making.

Arts Help will not be silent or complicit. Our organization is grounded on change and global justice principles, and we stand in solidarity against racism, hate, and discrimination. We will continue to reflect, educate, support, and act. Justice reform will not be solved quickly or easily, and posting on social media can only do so much. As supporters, we must continuously ensure our platform is being used to uplift voices of racial equality and justice.

As an organization, Arts Help is committed to the long-term fight for equality, and we hope our fellow community members will join us!