Rebecca Mills is a teacher, supervisor of guest services at Katonah Museum of Art, and a champion of universal peace. In accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal for Reduced Inequalities, she believes that we are “all citizens of the Universe.”

Based in New York, Mills believes in a vegan planet, cares for animals and the welfare of our humanity. In the spirit of the decolonization of the world, she feels that it is ridiculously “mundane to keep thinking we’re different, because of our material bodies.” Things like skin colour or gender, she believes, should not stand in the way of harmony.
Mills resides in upper Westchester County just north of Manhattan. Her studio is part of The Highbrook Artist Collective, which is registered with Arts Westchester, Town of Pelham and City of (her native) New Rochelle. She regards her studio as a haven, where she can be most “free in my structure.” She describes herself as a “very disciplined person” in her life “outside her studio.” A multi-tasker, she floats from one painting to another, often having up to ten simultaneous projects.

Mills has never thought of herself in any other career, such as a technician, a physician or a mechanic. She embodies so much creative energy, and the field of art gives her that outlet for expression. “I am inspired by Ancient History,” she says, “and how it was connected to the larger Universe, such as the origin of creation, concepts of the spiritual aspect of the Universe and how their philosophy and science are in direct relation to spirituality and religion.”
She is also inspired by Indigenous worldviews and perspectives on the origin of the planet — of “elements, people and existence.” An avid meditator, Mills draws from the many visions experienced in her “constant meditation.”

When approached by her students on how to make a living in the Arts, she frankly states, “There is no real way to give advice on art as a career.” Rather, she encourages aspiring artists to “find their confidence.” They must be willing to “suffer for their art,” and to make necessary sacrifices in a world she depicts as “a hell of a beast.”
Rebecca Mills lives her best life, encouraging viewers through her art to respect all religions, sexual orientations, genders and cultures.
Visit Mill's website to learn more.